• Sat. Nov 2nd, 2024


Blog pentru pasionații de electronică și nu numai

Solar Panel Controller / Charger

Solar Panel Controller / Charger

The purpose of this project is to realize a Solar panel controller. Initially developed for a sailing boat, the target to reach was to control the level of charge and discharge and to protect a 12 volts lead battery connected to a 32 watts solar panel.


The project is based on a 12F675 and uses HEXFETs to switch the load and the solar panel. The programs were developed with PROTON+ and around 10 of those small devices are today doing their job without any problems. The use of a PIC processor gives a large access to the way the load is used (with or without over voltage protection) or how the controller reacts when the full charge level is reached. This gives a lot of improvement possibilities.





* C7, C8 !!!

Source code:  SolPanCtrl 3-1.bas or SolPanCtrl 3-3.bas


Read more: http://users.picbasic.org/projects/SolPanCtrl/solar_panel_controller.htm

By Stefan

3 thoughts on “Solar Panel Controller / Charger”
  1. Salut,
    Am incercat sa realizez montajul dar nu vrea sa functioneze.Am sezizat ca in schema este o greseala,C7,8 ar trebui trasi la masa ceea ce pe desenul cablajului e corectat. Am mai cautat pe internet referinte despre montaj, am gasit aceeasi schema si desen de cablaj dar si o poza(aici lipsea o rezistenta R11 sau R5).Am masurat niste tensiuni, pe VDD am 5V dar pe ZD1 doar 2,8v.Ceva nu este in regula desi cred ca am programat bine picul.
    Va rog sa ma ajutati, un sfat , o sugestie…

  2. Salut. Ce modificari ar trebui facute pentru ca acest montaj si programul asociat sa functioneze pe 24V in loc de 12V? Multumesc anticipat.

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